UnicodeMath is a linear representation of math that often resembles math notation and is easy to enter. For example, a/b is UnicodeMath for It works well in Microsoft desktop apps such as Word, PowerPoint, Outlook, and OneNote but it hasn't been generally available elsewhere. This open-source applet implements UnicodeMath on the web.
You can enter equations in four ways:
Click on the Demo button or type Alt+p in the input window to see it in action! Hit the space bar to pause the demo and hit it again to continue the demo. The arrow keys → and ← move to the next/previous equation, respectively. Escape and Alt+p stop the demo. One of the equations has the UnicodeMath 1/2𝜋 ∫_0^2𝜋 ⅆ𝜃/(𝑎+𝑏 sin𝜃)=1/√(𝑎²−𝑏²), which builds up to
To speak the equations, type the space bar to pause the demo, type Alt+s to speak the current equation, and then type the right arrow key to advance to the next equation. Alternatively, type Alt+Enter to enter the current Examples equation (and advance the Examples equation ID), and type Alt+s to speak the equation. In these ways, you can cycle through the equations speaking each one.
You can enter a symbol by clicking on the symbol in one of the symbol galleries below the input window. But it’s faster to type the symbol’s LaTeX control word such as \alpha for α. After typing two letters, you get a math autocomplete dropdown with possible matches. This lets you enter the selected symbol (the one highlighted in blue) quickly by typing Enter or Tab.
For example, if you type \al, you see
Typing the Enter or Tab key inserts 𝛼. If you want a different symbol in the dropdown, you can click on it, or you can use the up/down (↑↓) arrow keys to select the symbol you want and type the Enter or Tab key to enter it.
The math autocomplete menu helps you discover a LaTeX control word, and it speeds entry especially for long control words such as those in the dropdown
The symbol dictionary includes some control-word aliases, such as \union for \cup (∪), since you might not guess \cup is the LaTeX control word for the union operator ∪.
Below the input window, there’s a Unicode codepoint window that displays the codepoints of the input symbols above the symbols. This is particularly useful for comparing two strings that appear to be identical but differ in one or more characters. Both the input and output windows support the Alt+x symbol entry method popular in Microsoft Word, OneNote, and NotePad. (It should be supported in all editors 😊). For example, type 222b Alt+x to insert ∫.
In addition to generating MathML, you can click on buttons or enter a hot key to
The results for speech, braille and LaTeX are displayed below the input window. Dictation results are shown in the input, output, and MathML windows. Dictation hint: wait for the start beep (else the first word(s) might be missing) and enunciate clearly.
The math is rendered in the output window either natively or by MathJax according to a setting (click on the ⚙︎ to change it). MathJax’s typography resembles LaTeX’s. The native rendering is good although not yet as good as LaTeX. But an advantage of the native renderer is that you can edit built-up equations directly in the output window and copy all or part of an equation. If the selection is an insertion point, the whole equation is copied. The only editing feature in the MathJax mode is Ctrl+c, which copies the MathML for the whole equation to the clipboard.
UnicodeMathML generates Presentation MathML 4. A key addition in MathML 4 is the intent attribute, which allows authors to disambiguate math notation and control math speech.
For example, does |𝑥| mean the absolute value of 𝑥 or the cardinality of 𝑥? Absolute value is assumed by default since absolute value is more common than cardinality. The default MathML for |x| is
<mrow intent="absolute-value(𝑥)">
To specify cardinality, enter \card(x) (or ⓒ(x)). These inputs produce the MathML
<mrow intent="cardinality(𝑥)">
If you enter an absolute value or cardinality containing more than one symbol as in |a+b|, the MathML intent contains an argument reference $a. For |a+b|, the MathML is
<mrow intent="absolute-value($a)">
<mrow arg="a">
A matrix enclosed in vertical bars is treated as a determinant. For example, the UnicodeMath |■(a&b@c&d)| builds up to
which has the MathML
<mrow intent="determinant($a)">
<mtable arg="a">
The program infers intent attributes for absolute value and determinant, so only cardinality needs to be input without vertical bars. Note that the ambiguous expression |𝑎|𝑏+𝑐|𝑑| is assumed to be (|𝑎|)𝑏+𝑐(|𝑑|). If you want |𝑎(|𝑏+𝑐|)𝑑|, enter |(𝑎|𝑏+𝑐|𝑑)| and the parentheses will be removed.
As we see here, some intent attribute values are implied by the input notations of LaTeX and UnicodeMath. Others are implied by context. Still others must be declared explicitly by the content author, by a math-knowledgeable copy editor, or maybe eventually by AI.
Since most content authors don’t know MathML, we need a way to allow them to enter intents easily. To this end, UnicodeMathML has an output-window context-menu option that lets you tag entities with intents. For example, clicking on the 𝐸 in 𝐸 = 𝑚𝑐², you get the input box
and you can type in “energy” or whatever you want followed by the Enter key. If you type in “energy”, the resulting MathML is
<mi intent="energy">𝐸</mi>
Typing Atl+d speaks this as "energy equals m c squared".
As you type into the input window, various conversions occur in the input window:
These conversions aren't needed in the input window, but they make the input more readable.
Hot key | Function |
Ctrl+b | Toggle the bold attribute. For example, select 𝑎 (U+1D44E), type Ctrl+b and get 𝒂 (U+1D482) as you can verify in the codepoint window. |
Ctrl+c | Copy the selected text to the clipboard. |
Alt+h | Display the help page. |
Ctrl+i | Toggle the italic attribute. If applied to a math italic character, this changes the character to the UnicodeMath way of representing ordinary text, i.e., put it inside quotes as in select 𝑎, Ctrl+i → “a”. |
Alt+m | Toggle between displaying 1) UnicodeMath in the input window and MathML below the output window, and 2) MathML in the input window and UnicodeMath below the output window. |
Ctrl+v | Paste plain text from the clipboard. If the text starts with <math, <m:math, or <mml:math, the text is treated as MathML and builds up. |
Ctrl+x | Copy the selected text to the clipboard, then delete the selected text. |
Ctrl+y | Redo |
Ctrl+z | Undo |
Unicode has almost all math symbols in use today. The symbol galleries located below the input and output windows contain the most common math symbols. You can enter a symbol in a gallery by clicking on it or by typing its control word as described in the Entering symbols section above.
Math styled letters, such as the math fraktur H (ℌ), can be entered by selecting the letter(s) and clicking on the 𝔄𝔅ℭ button or other math-style button. Math styled letters can also be entered using control words like \mfrakH, in which the final letter determines the math styled letter.
Most symbols have LaTeX control-word tooltips. For example, in the codepoint window, hovering over the integral symbol ∫ displays
Hovering over the ∪ in the Operators gallery displays
Here \cup is the standard [La]TeX control word for entering ∪ but since \union is easier to guess, it’s included too.
You can enter equations and edit the built-up display in the output window as shown in this video
This "in-place" editing mimics the math editing experience in desktop Microsoft Word, Outlook, PowerPoint, and OneNote. The hot keys listed above work here too, as do the symbol galleries and the math autocomplete menus. The copy hot key, Ctrl+c, copies the MathML for the selected content into the plain-text copy slot, rather than copying the underlying plain text. This enables you to paste built-up math equations into Word and other apps that interpret "plain-text" MathML as MathML rather than as plain text. Note: math autobuildup works with native MathML rendering; if MathJax is active, only Ctrl+c works.
Currently arrow-key navigation needs work and there are other glitches. The implementation uses JavaScript to manipulate the MathML in the browser DOM.
Technical stuff: When you edit the output window, the resulting MathML includes attributes that represent the state of the user selection. These attributes have been added partly because they are needed to make editing accessible. The attribute "selanchor" defines the selection "anchor" end (the nonmoving end) and "selfocus" defines the selection active end, e.g., the end that moves with Shift+→. The attribute values define the offsets for the selection setBaseAndExtent method. If the selection is an insertion point (a degenerate selection), only selanchor is included since the anchor and focus ends coincide.
Corresponding constructs have been added to UnicodeMath to represent the selection state. They are needed for the multilevel undo facility, which saves back states by caching the back-state UnicodeMath strings. The enclosure Ⓐ(offset) defines the position of the selection anchor and the enclosure Ⓕ(offset) defines the position of the selection focus. If no offset appears, 0 is assumed. To increase readability, these enclosures are not included in the UnicodeMath displayed in the input window. Nondegenerate selections have the focus enclosure as well, as in the UnicodeMath "Ⓐ()Ⓕ(1)⬚" for the selected "⬚".
A negative offset is used if the selection construct refers to a text node. The absolute value of a negative offset gives the offset into a string. For example, <mi selanchor="-1">sin</mi> sets the anchor to the "i" in "sin". Positive attribute values give the index of a child element. So, <mi selanchor="1">sin</mi> places the anchor immediately following "sin".